
Welcome Introduction: Tristanne Davis

GreenBlue is pleased to announce that Tristanne Davis has joined the team as a Project Manager with The Sustainable Packaging Coalition. Tristanne has a Master of Environmental Management from Yale University, an M.B.A. from the IE Business School, and a degree in Economics from Skidmore College.

Tell us about your background. Where did you spend your formative years and where did you go to school?

I grew up in a small town in New Jersey known for its art and antiques. My mother is an artist and I grew up thinking my future would also be in an artistic field. I went to pursue my Bachelor’s degree originally as a theater student, but after being exposed to the liberal arts world, I changed my focus to international studies, economics and the environment. I studied abroad in Tanzania, India, New Zealand and Mexico, and gained a strong interest in global development and environmental economics. I started my career in Washington D.C. as an environmental policy consultant and then moved on to work at a community development and food security-focused NGO in Nicaragua.  I eventually returned to school to study environmental science and business, with a growing interest in the role that business can play to address environmental problems. I focused much of my studies at Yale around the circular economy for products and packaging and then moved to Spain to pursue my MBA after receiving a Fulbright grant.

What inspired you to work in the sustainability field?

I have seen many negative impacts that careless business practices and poor governance can have on the resources that we depend on, particularly in developing countries. Through my work and studies however, I have also been inspired by how effective policies and innovative companies can solve environmental problems and help push society in a more sustainable direction. In addition, I love the outdoors and have spent considerable time outside studying soils, trees, etc. and believe that nature has many lessons that society can learn from.  I am motivated to be part of our evolution in this direction.

What do you hope to achieve at GreenBlue?

I hope to help GreenBlue spread knowledge of sustainable materials management and facilitate meaningful collaboration between business and government stakeholders.  I want to add to GreenBlue’s efforts to work  with its members and partners to develop innovative ideas, launch new partnerships, produce valuable information and tools, and advance the conversation around materials sustainability. I also hope to learn from the team and member community and have a lot of fun in the process!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I have always loved learning about new cultures, both abroad and within the U.S., and try to travel as much as I can. I like to practice my Spanish by chatting with friends from Spain and Nicaragua and am currently working on learning Italian. I love gardening, cooking, and home craft projects, like making my own soap. I am looking forward to exploring the natural beauty of the Shenandoah Valley area.

Happiness is…

Learning something new! A new recipe, a new concept, a new art medium, exploring a new place. In general, I  find  happiness when being surrounded by plants, animals, and interesting people.

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