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The latest news on Canadian Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Programs

As early as 1998, the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) took action in regards to its waste reduction target of 50% of the packaging that companies place into the market. From 2004 to 2014, more than 7 reports, analysis, studies, tools and progress reports were published in regards to the principles, strategies and harmonization of a Canada-wide Action Plan for Extended Producer Responsibility (CAP-EPR). Packaging has been recognized as a priority of the Canada-Wide Action Plan for Extended Producer Responsibility.
In 2005, the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) created the Extended Producer Responsibility Task Group (the Task Group) to direct the development and implementation of a Canada-wide EPR program and conducted studies, collected data, and prepared guidelines and best practices to help industry and provincial jurisdictions attain the reduction  targets.
In October 2006 the CAP-EPR was approved and adopted into the Canada Waste Management Strategy.  Different provincial jurisdictions committed to work on EPR frameworks legislation with the goal of harmonization across Canada.
Today, more than 200 EPR Programs and 30 categories of materials are targeted under various frameworks: Legislated EPR Programs, Voluntary EPR Programs, Shared Responsibility Programs and Product Stewardship Programs, with various requirements in different provincial jurisdictions.
These programs vary from packaging and printed paper (PPP) to electronics, household hazardous materials, special waste and automotive material, across  10 Canadian provinces.  Five (5) out of ten provinces currently  have packaging and printed paper (PPP) ERP programs.
In order to ensure the  harmonization and standardization of programs, to increase packaging recovery and lowering recovery costs, industry created the Canadian Stewards Services Alliance (CSSA) and the Electronic Product Recycling Association (EPRA). Their activities and progress can be applied across Canada.
Overview of Packaging and Printed Paper (PPP) EPR Programs

  • British Columbia: legislated PPP EPR Program with full producer responsibility, launched in May 2014
  • Saskatchewan: shared PPP EPR Program with 75/25 (industry/municipals cost share), to be launched in early 2015
  • Manitoba: shared PPP EPR Program with 80/20 (industry/municipals cost share), launched in 2010
  • Ontario: shared PPP EPR Program with 50/50 (industry/municipals cost share), launched in 2002 and new legislation (Bill 91) is under consideration, spring 2015
  • Quebec: legislated PPP EPR Program with full producer responsibility, operated by municipalities and launched in March 2006
  • Alberta: PPP EPR Program under consideration
  • Atlantic Provinces: PPP EPR Program under consideration. Collaborating to develop a common framework and approach for the region

PPP EPR Programs Highlights
The following table summarize the highlights of the activities of each of the provincial jurisdiction, industry financing organization (IFO), Fall/Winter 2014, early 2015.

PPP EPR Program Highlights
Multi Material BC (MMBC)
British Columbia
Other resources are available here.

  • PPP (packaging and printed paper including the milk cartons) EPR Program
  • 100% industry funding
  • Managed by MMBC & 0perated by Green by Nature (consortium Cascades Recovery, Emterra Environment, Merlin Plastics)
  • MMBC Assumes Responsibility for Recycling in New Communities
    Starting January 1, 2015Communities of the City of Langley and the City of Revelstoke, will be managed directly by MMBC, representing approximately 6,400 single-family and 7,000 multi-family households of the 1.25 million curbside and multi-family households benefiting from the MMBC program, updates here.
  • MMBC Official Supplier of Canada Winter Games:MMBC will provide 550 recycling receptacles and will be gifted to Emterra Environmental so that MMBC can institute recycling for approximately 4,300 units in multi-family dwellings in Prince George MMBC on Board for Winter Games.
Multi-Material Stewardship Western Saskatchewan

  • PPP (packaging and printed paper) EPR Program
  • 75/25 shared funding (industry/municipals cost share)
Program Exemptions for Businesses Announcement
Announced December 18, 2014

  • Saskatchewan Government Announces Exemption Criteria from The Household Packaging and Paper Stewardship Regulations (Read the announcement here).
  • This exemption represents significant economic and operational challenges to MMSW’s Waste PPP; read here.
  • MMSM is not able to identify which producers fall under the $2 million to $5 million threshold and cannot quantify the packaging and printed paper is supplied in Saskatchewan by producers.
  • Three (3) exemptions for small businesses are: Exemptions from the EPR program can be declared if either a) the business has gross revenue of less than $2 million; b) the business generates less than one ton of packaging and paper; or c) the business operates as a single point of sale, not a franchise or chain, see here.
Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba (MMSM)

  • PPP (packaging and printed paper) EPR Program
  • 80/20 shared funding (industry/municipals cost share)
  • Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba
    Announced December15,2014 – 2015Fees, to read more about the fees and the calculations that impacted them, click here to read the MMSM communication &
    Recycling & Waste Reduction: A Discussion Paper
  • Tomorrow Now, Manitoba’s Green Plan:
    Released December 12, 2014 Recycling and waste reduction were proposed by the government which could have an impact on stewards: general 75% recovery target for PPP (achieved a 63% recycling rate in 2013); reduction to be increased by 2020, more than 50%, in use of retail carry out plastic bags (achieved a 46.7% reduction rate) ; increase the 75% beverage container recycling target; expand existing programs to include ICI packaging and printed paper; reduce disposable beverage cups in the waste stream and require quick service restaurants to provide on premise recycling facilities by 2020, View the Recycling & Waste Reduction: A Discussion Paper.
  • Stakeholders have until March 20, 2015, to provide feedback.
  • Bag up Manitoba – Plastic Bag Challenge:During the month of October 2014, the program broke another record with nearly 1.6 million plastic bags being collected and recycled; 167 schools and two daycares collected a staggering 1,596,333 plastic bags. The participating schools received a garden box and 14 schools received a bench made out of 5,000 recycled plastic bags and composite wood fibers. Since 2008, it has kept close to six million plastic bags out of landfills.
  • Brandon’s Waste Reduction School Challenge: MMSM was the title sponsor of Brandon’s Waste Reduction School Challenge for the 3rd year in a row. The challenge ran from October 13-29, 2014 and encouraged all students to track their waste through garbage and recycling. Students collected their waste for three weeks, took part in reduction activities and also toured the local landfill.
Stewardship Ontario (SO)–timeline

  • PPP (packaging and printed paper) EPR Program
  • 50/50 shared funding (industry/municipals cost share)
  • Bill 91 coming early spring 2015, a full industry funding is under consideration
  • Rules for Stewards for 2015:Update containing the following information; Municipal Obligation Arbitration Award Recap; The 2014 Steward Obligation Gap; Using Reserves To Pay Some Of The Obligation Gap, 2014 Fee Schedule And The Associated Adjustment Due To Arbitration and Steward Invoices And Payments 2015 Fee Schedule And Blue Box Rules.
  • Rules for 2015 are posted in SO website, available here, comments should be sent to [email protected] no later than January 23, 2015. The comments received and the responses will be posted along with confirmation of final approval for the Rules and Blue Box Fees 2015.
  • The Municipal Obligation Arbitration Award – Recap: The decision in the arbitration between the Association of Municipalities (AMO) and the City of Toronto, and Stewardship Ontario on November 25 was rendered by retired Justice Robert Armstrong. The adjustment Fee Schedule 2014 is due to be paid to municipalities by March 31, 2015.
  • Fulfilling the 2014 Steward Obligation Gap:Steward fees paid in 2014 raised a total of $99.7M which has left a funding gap of $17.4M after accounting for program management costs and CNA/OCNA in-kind payments. The Board of Directors decided to retain 10% of annual operating costs in reserve, the full 2014 Adjustment Fee Schedule, reflecting the above, can be viewed here.
  • Invoices to stewards were issued before the end of this year 2014 and payment is due February 27, 2015. Stewards who want to have a payment plan are asked to send an email to Accounts Receivable at [email protected].
  • Waste Diversion Ontario 2013 Datacall Reports Released: 2013 Blue Box Tonnage Highlights; 2013 Blue Box Program Cost & Revenue;2013 Non-Blue Box Recyclables Trends (Residential);2013 Organics Trends (Residential).
Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance (CSSA)

  • Stewards services provider for MMBC, MMSM, SO
  • West Provinces to be added; Saskatchewan, Alberta
Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance (CSSA) 2nd Annual Steward MeetingOctober 15, 2014, in the presence of 550 participants. The highlights: cost savings through harmonization, program performance trends; status for the MMSW program in Saskatchewan, 2015 material fee schedules for the 3 provinces, B.C., Manitoba & Ontario; and updates on other provinces preparation on implementing EPR programs for packaging and printed paper.
Eco Entreprises Quebec

  • CP&PM (Containers, packaging and printed matter) EPR Program
  • 100% industry funding
  • Operated by municipalities
  • Schedule of Contribution for 2014:Deadline for the remaining 60 % to be paid before interest is charged – January 26, 2015.
  • Schedule of Contribution for 2015:Beginning of the reporting period – May 2015, Deadline for submitting company report – May to August 2015, Deadline for the remaining 60 % to be paid before interest is charged – September 26, 2015 (Subject to change without notice depending on the effective date of the Schedule of Contributions).
  • Creation of an Advisory Committee on Residual Materials: Launched November 10, 2014, the mandate is to advise the government on the implementation of Quebec’s Residual Materials Management Policy and its issues in order to optimize and re-evaluate of the role and responsibilities of stakeholders involved the compensation for municipal services.
  • First Consumer Survey on Ecodesigned Packaging in Quebec: The demand is there! Launched October 23, 2014, EEQ “in cooperation with The Responsible Consumption Observatory (RCO) surveyed Quebecers to determine their perception of ecodesigned containers, packaging and printed matter. Today’s findings demonstrate that Quebec consumers want eco-responsible packaging, but not at any price. If it costs the same, almost three-quarters of Quebecers (72.9%) would choose eco-responsible packaging.” The report can be found on the EEQ website here.
  • Sorting center, conditioner and recycler installation tour: January 29, February 10-12-18-26 and March 3-10, 2015.
Other Provinces
  • To be followed closely.